How to set limit Data Backup on iPhone

How to set limit Data Backup on iPhone
247 View • 01 September 2023 • Picture by :

iPhone is a smartphone lineup that provides space or place backup data free of charge, maybe some you already known that Apple provides the backup feature, and its namely iCloud, there are 5GB of space every time you have a user account in iCloud.

Although the capacity of 5gb classified insufficient, but this is very helpful for you, in iCloud you be able to back up the application data on your iPhone, such as photos, messages, notes etc.

With 5GB capacity using of the data backup it’s too excessively, so you should set a limit and sort necessary data save in iCloud. Can you set limit data back up on iPhone? the answer Absolutely yes you can do it, just turning it on and off in every application.

You want to know how it? let’s Here's How to set limit Data Back up on your iPhone

How to Enable Backup on iPhone

The first, please enable backup configuration on iPhone, here is below :

  1. Please choose menu Settings
  2. After thats tap Account Apple ID, iCloud...
  3. Choose iCloud Backup
  4. Next, please enable on iCloud Backup

backup icloud

How to Limit iCloud Data Backup on iPhone

1. Choose menu Settings, next please tap Account Apple ID, iCloud...

Menu Settings di iPhone

2. The next step, please choose menu iCloud

Menu iCloud di iPhone

3. Last step, please enable or disable fitur, enable : backup icloud, disabled : do not backup on icloud.

Fitur iCloud

Thus the tutorial on how to limit data backup on the iPhone we share, Thank you for visiting our blog, Hopefully it is useful.

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